Baby products in mainland China market is huge with hundreds of billions capacity market. Statistics, in China each year 2000-30000000 birth, of which 8 to 36 months of age is approximately 45 million infants, children, 3.2 million, for infants from 0 to 4 years of age, there are 80 million consumer groups, and 0 to 6-year-old baby while the number of almost 1.7 million. Scholars believe that China is experiencing since the founding of New China's fourth wave of "baby boom", the time will continue until 2015.
Despite the huge market, but China's market baby products industry is still in the initial stage is not mature enough. Huge market to attract more enterprises to enter the industry in recent years, dramatic increase in baby products manufacturers, according to incomplete statistics, at present, there were 40,000 infant and toddler business. However, the Mainland nearly 60% of baby product sales concentrated in the wholesale market, many products not brands. Currently, the market leading brand of infant supplies are not many.
In the U.S. market, a high proportion of commodities made in China, some people say that China is already the processing of goods to the United States; China's foreign trade generated a surplus, some people say that our market has been in foreign countries. Foreign news agencies have comments, China became the world's manufacturing and processing bases. Treatment of such problems, should be carefully analyzed. There are many products in the domestic processed and paste someone else's trademark; labor-intensive exports, as well as the cost of environmental protection may be included. Only one of our top people in a truck string bag.
There are three forms of manufacturing, OEM (sample order), ODM (own design, from customer sales), OPM (own brand, own design, their manufacture, their sale). Most of the stroller products China is taking the path of sample orders, the domestic enterprises to go the few OEM ODM plus additional OPM comprehensive way. This is China's manufacturing industry, the natural products industry to the world of children is the best way, but it is not easy.
The protection of consumer rights in the world, the most prominent, best protected the interests of children, a large number of cases of product recall, a large number of litigation cases. Once the problem children's products, producers have to pay a heavy price, play a huge responsibility, many companies, many well-known brands fail because of this problem out. Therefore, the characteristics of children's products manufacturing industry: high-risk, high investment. And always be foolproof. In the U.S., children's products only a handful of brands in mature markets, competition is high, than the overall strength; not like China, brands such as forest, a brand had been drained due to quality problems, can come back a brand. China currently has tens of thousands of children's products manufacturer, at least tens of thousands of brands, today opened the door, closed tomorrow, you Changba me play. Competition is only in the price level of competition. The limited level of competition results in price can be seen: in today's children's products on the market, shoddy, shoddy, order and chaos, vicious competition, do not speak the design, casual copying copy, but without any quality and quality assurance testing and test, not open drain open value-added tax invoice, this is no children's products not only improve the quality of life of Chinese children to speak of, but also severely suppressed the enterprise-oriented brand.